Acne skin condition resulting from blockages in the skin’s follicles, mostly affects skin in the parts of the body that have a greater number of oil glands. This includes the face, upper part of the chest and the back. Acne scarring and hyper pigmentation are sometimes residual results of this disease.


Typical features of acne include increased oil secretion, microcomedones, comedones, papules, pustules, nodules (large papules) and possibly scarring. There is also the possibility of psychological effects on patients with acne leading to anxiety, reduced self-esteem and depression.



The causes leading to acne are a higher than normal amount of sebum production, excessive keratin deposition, colonization of the follicle by bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) and the local release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the skin.
There is a strong genetic component in acne development shown by twin and familial studies. Diet and microbiom irregularities are also important factors in the development of this disease. It is normal for adolescents to develop a surge of acne during puberty, caused by the higher sex hormone levels, such as testoterone and estrogen.


Cannabidiol (CBD) has shown great potential in the treatment of acne via vanilloid (TRPV4) and andenosine (A2a) receptors. It inhibits sebum production, reduces cell proliferation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

cbd action on acne vulgaris

Other cannabinoids and terpens in the plant work sinergistically with CBD and have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects.

In Acne vulgaris the application of topicals in the form of creams or tinctures is preferred as they work directly on the afflicted area. Tinctures made with alcohol also have a better skin absorption rate and the addition of limonen also has the same affect.

Smoking cigarettes is a risk factor in developing acne, so it should be avoided and vaporisation is always the best alternative.