Cannabis Events 2019

2018 was a busy year for cannabis, with important events like the legalisation of adult use of cannabis in Canada and the legalisation of hemp in the USA. These events undoubtedly had a profound effect on how cannabis is viewed around the world. The number of countries implementing medical cannabis laws is growing, even in the Asian region, as countries such as South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia are implementing medical cannabis legislation.

2019 is looking to be even bigger. If we look at the ever-growing number of cannabis related events happening this year, we can see a trend of exponential growth of business conferences, expos and hemp events. With so many event happening all over the world, it is essential to have an overview of all the major events happening each month in different countries.

If you are interested is specific regions, below are the links to posts that cover EU, Canada, USA and Latin America.

For a general overview of all the world cannabis events, you will find them below in chronological order. This way, you can choose which events to attend all year around (the dates are in DD.MM.YEAR format).













There will certainly be many more cannabis events announced during the year and I will add them accordingly. If I missed any relevant 2019 events, please let me know in the comments, so I can add them to the list.

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