Roundtable discussion about licensing medical cannabis in Hungary with:
doc. RNDr. Lumír Hanuš, DrSc. , analytic chemist, leader researcher of the medical cannabis field, Institute for Drug Research, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University
Dr. Ilya Reznik, medical cannabis researcher, Chief Physician and Senior Advisor at Medical Institute for Forensic & Diagnostic NeuroPsychiatry
Dr. Kelemen Anna PhD, neurologist, children’s neurologist, epileptologist, psychiatrist, chief physician at National Institute of Clinical Neurosciences
Dr. Pavel Pachta, Former Deputy Secretary and Chief of the Narcotics Control and Estimates Section, International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)
MUDr. Tomáš Zábranský Ph.D., Drug Policy Advisor, Envoy of the Minister of Health for Medical Cannabis, Czech Republic, chief scientist at International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute vezető kutatója
Steph Sherer, Executive Director at Americans for Safe Access (ASA), patients’ rights activist
Sébastien Béguerie, researcher-patient, board member at International Association for Cannabinoid as Medicine, founder of Alpha-CAT
dr. Rita Erzsébet Pálffyné Poór , head of department at Methodoligical and Individual Medicine Import, National Institute of Pharmacy)